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Dedicated to writing
Christian fiction worth reading

Have you even told them what you are or where you came from?
...What exactly is expected of you?

Living a double life isn’t easy. Don’t smile too wide, be careful others might see. Don’t show your other side. Forget where you came from. Forget what they did to you… what they made you. It’s a terrible and often terrifying balancing act to pretend to be what you’re not. Rejecting himself for what he wanted most Bay Haven found himself enticed into an average life attending a traditional high school, developing ordinary friendships, pretending all the while to be what he isn’t… normal.
But as time passes and the frayed edges of who he really is begins to attract unwanted attention, Bay has no other option then to face what is ahead of him and answer the brutal call of what seems to be his cursed bloodline, facing the illusion created by those in the white towers and decide if he really is what They want him to believe he is. In doing so he might lose everything he has struggled so hard to get and took for granted all in one fail swoop.

The Red Fox Ran is a with strong themes, a captivating plot, and strong characters that are relatable to the point that I felt I was fighting their battles alongside them.
---Paul Zietsman (Reader’s Favorite)
Intelligently crafted and skillfully executed, ‘The Red Fox Ran’ is the tale of difference and similarity, and of love, respect, and belonging. Completely absorbing from beginning to end, this a superb book, ideal, but not only, for a young adult audience. It is a firm five-star read.
---(Book Viral)

The Red Fox Ran is a unique story that uses simile and metaphor. This makes it very poetic and creates a dreamlike effect. The dialog is authentic as the teenagers converse with each other playfully, often teasing each other. The storyline development stands out, building from a dreamlike trance to an intriguing and thrilling set of events. Also, more of the protagonist's secrets are revealed with each passing chapter, to
the point of one not wanting to take a break from reading. December Knight also uses the theme of God and Christianity to good effect, and some philosophical and religious ideas are given for the reader to ponder. The Red Fox Ran is a sublime work of fiction with strong themes, a captivating plot, and strong characters that are relatable to the point that I felt I was fighting their battles alongside them.
--Tracy Traynor

Author December Knight strives to share her imagination and Christian faith through her creative writing from an honest, real-life perspective, developing relatable deep characters, and vivid, complex storylines with controversial themes.
She is a proud alumna of Liberty University graduating with a BS in Multidisciplinary Studies with an emphasis in Creative Writing, History, and Theology.
"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ."
― Colossians 3:23-24
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
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